Municipal Information System for Bielsko-Biała

Before developing the Municipal Information System, Towarzystwo Projektowe established a schedule determining the complete organizational and design actions aiming at introduction of visual cohesion in Bielsko-Biała. These actions, apart from their functional and aesthetic features, aimed at creating a coherent image of Bielsko-Biała and promotion of the city. The project included creation of graphics of: street plaques, address plaques, direction signs for pedestrians, signs for themed tourist routes, bicycle road signs and two types of maps: a functional map and a cultural heritage map as well as the industrial designs of information carriers. The pilot implementation conducted in 2010 was warmly welcomed by the population of Bielsko-Biała.

In 2012, the signs for tourist traffic were implemented. They comprise approximately 140 bilingual information modules with figures, describing the history of individual monuments, 10 carriers of functional maps and maps presenting the tourist routes as well as direction signs to the historical part of the city. The STGU Panel, when awarding a prize to this project in 2012 found that this is “another, after the exemplary Warsaw system, successful project of Towarzystwo Projektowe, which combines a complete functionality of the design with respect to the location while taking into account its traditions, structure and habits of the population that were accounted for at every stage of the design process.”




Grzegorz Niwiński
Jerzy Porębski
Piotr Stolarski

Barbara Dobrzyńska
Zofia Konarska
Katarzyna Minasowicz

Urząd Miasta Bielska-Białej


Projekt Roku STGU
I nagroda